
  New routines are difficult to make happen. If they were easy, I suspect fewer folks would be stressed out and searching for purpose. The fact is, people who sleep, get exercise and stay active are simply happier people. It’s no wonder then that finding a balance between these things is one of the most popular new routines that people find themselves tackling.

I’ve read a lot of different folks claiming to have the best morning routine or after dinner routine or worship routine – many even trying to monetize it. Make no mistake, when you get a routine right – it can feel like a miracle has just happened. Realistically, there isn’t a silver bullet for everyone. Oh sure, there are some basic tenants – but 5 minutes online will help you discover those (and it won’t cost you a thing.)

If new routines are so difficult and we put so much effort into them – why do we do it in the first place? The human desire to always be improving the self might be one explanation. When things aren’t quite right, we make changes – or at least try. Routines represent not only things we do, but the ones we do repetitively and without thought. Improve a routine, and you lay the foundation – supposedly – for additional self-improvement.

So what if we are good with our routines and don’t find a need to change them? Well, that’s a matter of personal preference frankly. I find comfort and joy in constant improvement while others find the same in keeping to what they’ve always done. Neither is any more valid than the other.







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