More excitement today! We took a few days off of updating. I met with most of the sub-contractors yesterday and went over details on HVAC and Electrical mostly. It was fast paced and intense. Should be getting $’s back from the contractor in the next few days on how much OVER budget everything I want to do is.
- The plumbing is done! It’s being pressure/leak tested.
- Gas plumbing is done and being tested, too.
- Roofing is up! All roof surfaces are now ready to go.
- Garage door is in. It’s a really nice insulated model.
- French doors were delivered, but not installed.
- Fireplace was installed. Nice!
- Crawlspace opening cut.
- Vents downstairs mounted to the floor.
- Vent system installed in the upstairs.
- Ducts and vent stacks for the bathrooms and laundry room installed.
- Dryer vent installed.
- Air return installed (upstairs!)
- Skylights installed
- Railing fixed where the banister will go.
All in all, they should be able to close up the house tomorrow.
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