Tag: Technology

  • iDevices and the Enterprise

    I run a medium scale enterprise with lots of Group Policy, Security and the usual IT control accoutrements. Increasingly, I’m becoming a big fan of the iPad. Sure, I still don’t have a personal need for one. On the same hand, those who have made the personal investment haven’t been a thorn in my side.…

  • Fitting In Today

    Shakespeare pondered “to be or not to be, that is the question.” Most of us in tech today ponder this same thing, but in the context of to be a tech or a manager. Most of us got into technology because we loved something about it. For some, the thought of coding day in and…

  • Security Hard Lines: Kiss your 1s and 0s Goodbye!

    There is a misconception that electronic data can be secured. Everyone suffers from it. The fact is – the moment your data turns to 1’s and 0’s, you can potentially kiss it goodbye. Your text messages, phone calls (yes, they are 1’s and 0’s), emails, documents, banking information – it’s all available to anyone intelligent…

  • When Clouds Die: Xmarks

    Another one bites the dust. It was announced earlier today that the popular bookmark sync service XMarks is about to go under. In a post on their blog, owner Todd Agulnick admitted that the company couldn’t find a profitable business model. [sarcasm] Profitable business model? But I thought the cloud was a free-for-all! [/sarcasm] For…

  • SMB IT will never die

    The Cloud. It’s all the “future” of technology according to many. What these doomsday prophets fail to include is a little bit of market research. How we use technology in our personal lives and businesses is as unique to each as anything else. I don’t use Outlook or Gmail the same way as the next…

  • Latest Windows Updates Breaks VMWare vSphere 4 Client

    For those who use VMWare extensively in their organization, beware that the latest round of Microsoft updates may break your older vSphere 4 client under all versions of Windows. More information from VMWare on the problem can be found here. Users of vSphere 4 Update 1 should not be affected. The primary update in question…

  • AT&T wants more of your money, Sprint offering EVO on Friday

    Steve Jobs’ promise of “unlimited” data on iPad 3G is no more. If you are considering an iPad 3G, please be aware that AT&T just quietly announced the discontinuation of the unlimited data plan for new iPads. Instead, users will be offered 2 options – 2GB a month (not much if you surf and watch…